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Green Giant: Raise A Giant (Giveaway too)

At Green Giant® we know it takes a lot more to raise a healthy child then just getting them to eat their vegetables. Kids these days live in a world that is bigger and scarier than the world we grew up in, and they need help and encouragement to navigate that world with confidence and pride.
Unfortunately one of the hardest things kids have to deal with is bullying. When a child is bullied by a peer it can turn his or her life into a daily gauntlet of fear and anxiety.
That’s why Green Giant® is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and We Day Minnesota to help parents Raise A Giant and put a stop to bullying in their community.

What Does it Mean To Be A Giant?
Being a giant isn’t about being the biggest or the best. Being a giant means standing up for others. It means lending a hand to those who are in trouble and speaking up for those who sometimes find it hard to speak up for themselves.
Studies show that an effective way to stop bullying is for kids to simply speak up and say, “That’s not okay” when they see bullying happening.
But asking kids to have the courage to stand up to bullying is a tall order and that’s why they need our help.
How Do You Raise A Giant?
We’re asking parents to write a letter to their kids telling them how special they are and encouraging them to be part of the bullying prevention solution by being a giant.
To get started parents can visit our community at and read the letters others have written.

I am very passionate about not raising a bully.  I tell my Cheeks all the time, the most I want for you is to happy and to be kind.  You must always be kind to others.   Words can hurt more than people realize.  Cheeks at only 7 is already empathetic.  He teases but if I hear him I am all over him like white on rice!

I would love to see you write a letter to your child/children and post it at

Or tell me, has your child been bullied? Or are they the bully?  How do you help them cope from both ends of the spectrum?

Now you can enter to win a $25 gift card by sharing how you do Raise A Giant.

Check it out: Giveaway good thru Nov 9 at midnight.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

“Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark.”


Unknown said…
I am raising a giant by making him sensitive to others rights
JC said…
I raise a giant by teacher her to stand up for herself and must always tell adults if being bullied.
katie klein said…
I try and teach my boys to be respectful and courteous to everyone.
FrangiePani said…
i am raising a giant to not be afraid of bullying and others and to speak up they feel they are being bullied.
Elena said…
I am raising a giant by teaching my son to treat other people with respect
akronugurl said…
trying to keep positive
Shayna said…
I am raising a giant by teaching my son to respect others as well as his self :)
Unknown said…
I am raising a Green Giant by teaching my daughters that we are all equal in God's eyes and to treat others how you would like to be treated
Anonymous said…
Be confident and stand up for what you believe in!
Candice said…
I tell them they are smart and special, and kind to others.
Unknown said…
by teaching my kids to be confident

Jessica To said…
I try to teach my son to be kind to others.
Unknown said…
I am raising a giant, by teaching my son to be the best person he can be at all times. I want him to know that it's important to respect everyone and show compassion and love.
Unknown said…
I am raising a giant by teaching my child to be confident and that bullying is unacceptable.

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Sandra VanHoey said…
We are raising Giants because we are talking to them about bullying and letting them know to let an adult know immediately to end this. Also letting them know to treat others with love and kindness and to never hurt
Unknown said…
I would teach her to be confident in knowing that she is just as good as everyone else and to stand up for herself and what she believes in
Unknown said…
i am raising all of my kids to be giant minds, to know themselves and have compassion for others, and follow their own paths.
Anonymous said…
Im raising a giant by teaching him to sgick up for the little guy.
Unknown said…
I am teaching to have respect and stand up for themselves
Anonymous said…
We let our kids know that bullying is acceptable and to make sure an adult knows if any is going on.

Jennifer Marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
scottsgal said…
by raising them to be strong and understanding of others
Peggy Damon said…
I raise a giant by teaching my children to be kind to others and when someone is being picked on don't encourage it, do something about it

I am raising a Giant by making sure my child knows to treat others the way she would like to be treated.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
wigget said…
showing them how to defend themselves
MELINA said…
I am raising giants by making sure what is right from wrong and to speak up if they are being bullied or see someone else being bullied.